About Me

Hi! My name is Aleksandrina but my friends and family call me Alya. I'm 24 years old Russian native and came to America in 2019 as an Au Pair. My goal was to improve my English and immerse myself in a new culture. Little did I know that this journey would lead me to the love of my life, my husband Sean, an American guy whom I married a year ago.

When I first arrived in America, I was excited but also a bit nervous. I wasn't sure what to expect, but I was determined to make the most of my time here. I quickly realized that America was a melting pot of different cultures and I was eager to learn as much as I could. I love to travel and have been to several countries in Europe where I've been able to learn about different cultures and their history. I am excited for more abroad trips and to be able to capture the world through my photography.

 I love capturing the world and people through the lens of my camera. Photography is not only my job but also my passion. I believe that photographs have the power to tell stories and connect people.

I am a very creative person and I love expressing myself through different mediums. Whether it's through crafting, painting, or photography, I always enjoy experimenting and exploring new ways to create. I am also very passionate about skincare and makeup, and I enjoy trying out new products and techniques.

Overall, I am a very adventurous and creative person who is always looking for new experiences and ways to express myself. I am grateful for the opportunity to live in America and for the love and support of my husband. I am excited for what the future holds and for all the new adventures that are yet to come.

Meet your photographer
Meet your photographer
Meet your photographer
Meet your photographer